Al good things must come to an end :(. Everything happened so quickly that nothing has soaked in yet. It seems like everything happened so long ago but that's not even the case.
Vidcon was everything I imagined it to be and then some. The speakers that I saw were pretty interesting. Some of the things I didn't plan on going to, I went to anyway. I hung out with people I never thought I'd ever become friends with. I got to meet people That I've been talking to for almost two and a half years already. Hanging out with my bros in LA was the best thing that has happened this year
Just a few highlights include: my luggage getting lost, chilling at my friends apartment with all my great friends, belting out "larger than life" at least 10 times, blowing up at least 100 fireworks on 4th of July, eating lots of food that I've never had before, riding the goalith, meeting and chilling with old friends and making new friends, destroying so many people in the ball pit, and so many more memories that could take up 3 more pages.
There needs to be another vidcon. With how successful vidcon 2010 was, I can't imagine that there won't be another one. However, YouTube live was successful and that didn't return. There's always toddcon 2011 to look forward to.
I've never seen 12 days go by as quickly as these past 12 days have. All those long nights and early mornings were so worth it. My only regret is not being able to say goodbye to everyone that I met. There were just so many people it was almost impossible to say bye to everyone.
There is a small part of me that misses home. I miss my puppy, my bed, my family and a great home cooked meal. It's been so nice to be away from everything in Edmonton for the past 2 weeks. I just can't believe it's over already.
I think this blog post is long enough. Vidcon 2010, I will miss you.
Let Sleeping Blogs Lie?
7 years ago