Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Finally, after waiting for more than a year, I can write blog posts from my iPod. I am so bored in my research methods class that I've been on the Internet the enire class so far. I still have about 2 hours to go in the day before I can go home. I want to go home already. I have a horrible feelin about the test I just wrote in cognition. It felt like a lot of the multiple choice was difficult and there were only 26 questions. Not looking good.

Muse has now announced their australian tour dates. This leads me to believe north America is next and I'm just hoping they come to Edmonton again. They were here in 2004 playing at a super small venue. I really hope they do come back. I would be the happiest person ever if this happens. The local radio station that plays muse said they're rumored to be coming here. I am totally hoping that's true.

Recently, zach had a conversation with mickie about my Canadian status. I will paste the conversation here when I get home. If I remember. I will probably forget because illl want to watch more of the office. I'm on season 3 episode 5 now. All I have to say is that I love the office and I'm mad at myself that ive taken 5 years to start watching it.

This class is so boring I want to die :(

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Investments

I figured with season 6 of the Office starting this past week, why not do what I've been wanting to do for a long time now...buy all the seasons of the office and catch up on it. I watched the season premier on Saturday and loved it. Up until now, I have watched the first 4 episodes of season 1. Diversity day was definitely the best out of the bunch so far. I'm going to enjoy watching the office instead of working on school work. I mean, who really does school work? Its college, you procrastinate until the last minute and still manage to get great marks (I will not procrastinate on many of the upcoming assignments that I have, I'll just work on them progressively each day about a week in advance and get them done that way :) ). This term is nothing like last term at all. I have 5 midterms the entire semester, 2 of which are in one class and the other 3 are spread appart evenly in the term. The only issue I have is that I have one midterm on the 15th of October then 2 on consecutive days on the 22nd and 23rd. I'll rip through those like I ripped through the ones I had last year at this time.

Dragonball is finally being released on DVD and I couldn't be happier. Besides that I don't think I'll be spending much on anything in the upcoming weeks. I have to pay all the bills for my road trip to oregon still. My mastercard statement hasn't come yet, but I'll be expecting it in the coming days here.

I wish I didn't worry a little bit about what happened earlier this month. I just have a gut feeling that I did something wrong. :(

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road trip

As some of you know, I went on a road trip to Oregon two weeks ago and just returned this past Monday. It was alright. I wish we would have hung out more often with a couple of our friends but overall, I think it was pretty fun, besides some problems. No trip is without its problems though. I think I'm going to discuss what happened with a certain individual in the dear future, if I can work up the courage to do so. I just think he'll laugh it off and not think I'm being serious. I just wish not everything was a joke to him.

I started up school again this past Tuesday. It feels weird after being off for close to 20 weeks. I'm sure I'll get back into the rhythm soon enough. I feel as if this semester will go by as fast as every past semester has. I don't have many tests this term, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Good meaning I don't have to study as often, but bad in the sense that I have to write a couple papers but I'll survive. I think I'm better off writing papers than wasting my time reading the textbook to study for these damn tests.

Big brother is over on Tuesday and after that, it'll be another 15 days before anything on TV is worth watching again (not that anyone else thinks hockey is worth watching ^_^).

I got guitar hero 5 while I was in Oregon, and I regret not getting the guitar with it. I've wanted a new guitar for 2 years now and have regretted not getting one with each new guitar hero that has been made. I'm going to take my time playing this one through. 85 songs are a lot to play through within the first week. I think I've managed to get through 15 or so, so far. That's pretty good.

I wish more people would blog on blogspot again so I'd have something to read when I get to school. No one blogs here anymore and it kinda sucks =[.

One thing I would like to say about road trips is that it kinda sucks being the only person who drove the entire trip. I mean, I probably would have been very bored had I not been driving, but driving for 21 and 18 hours straight kinda sucked, big time. I would recommend taking a road trip for anyone who has ever wanted to take one, just bring someone along who can drive too so you don't have to do all the driving yourself. 1157 miles is a long way to drive O_O. I'm actually shocked I didn't have to pull off to the side of the road on my way home to try and rest my eyes a bit. There was only a strech for about an hour where I was actually a bit tired but it ended up going away by the time I got to the next gas station.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I did not expect things to happen like this. I know I'm not the only one who fells this way too. I've been pissed off most of the last few days. I don't know what to do.