so anyway there is this thing and this thing happens and it is WELL good. so anyway all the humans have to live in these floating huts because they just do and i can't be bothered to explain why. so anyway right all the youtubers are like "hey let's live together" so they all go "k" and then they live together. but not whitney. whitney is on the ground because she was dry humping her imaginary boyfriend when the boat left. so she sees a ladder that leads into adam's and chago's and justin's and rosy's house so she goes "oh i will climb this pole that leads into adam's and chago's and justin's and rosy's house and they will save me". but when she is climbing justin sees her and goes "oh no" and hits her down with a broom. everyone cheers for justin and we crown him as the king of the land. loljk, justin obeys queen elizabeth. the end
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