You sure do know its summer when you're staying up until 4am every night and waking up at noon every morning. I really need to stop that, I hate waking up so late into the day. My final final exam went well. I have not found out how I did on it yet, but most of my studying was delayed by my father who decided at the time I wanted to study that he wanted to talk to me again, for the 3rd consecutive year, about getting a new job. He doesn't realize how irritating it is when he comes to talk to me about something when I'm watching a TV show that's almost over, about to go out the door, or trying to study. Before that though, my hockey team collapsed on me along with me playing one of the worst set of games I've ever played. 20 goals in two games pretty much killed any statistical advantage I had on anyone else and I don't feel like we can go back to the team we were when we first started winning. I do hold some hope.
I managed to get a new season 6 of DBZ by conning the cashier into thinking I got the disk set as a gift for my birthday and because of school I could not watch it until now and the first disk was scratched. The only thing true about that was that the first disk was scratched. It also snowed again this week, adding onto the train wreck of what has been known as this past week. Here's hoping this next week is much better. And I didn't even talk about how I couldn't stop thinking about getting screwed over at work while watching DBZ on Tuesday. Oh well. I've calmed down and I'm going to start looking ahead.
Let Sleeping Blogs Lie?
7 years ago