Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The year that was..

As I am sitting here, finally catching up on youtube video's with 11 mintues left in 2008, I thought I'd reflect on the year that was.

Overall, I thought it was quite the year, although I have done nothing to show for it. I remember starting off 2008 the way I will start off 2009, by being pissed off that the Oilers lost a game they should have one, against our arch rival flames.

As per usual the beginning of the year is a blur, but there was one thing on my mind for the majority of the first half of 2008 and that was super smash brothers brawl. I had just planned a brawl party with all my friends just around the time when it was delayed the second time to the first week of march from the second week in feburary, right when my reading week was. Everyday that passed in the first half of 2008 was waiting for brawl. I don't know if that ended up being a good thing or not because now I have not played the game since i played against Zach about 2 months ago. I also remember at the beginning of the year I got my keys to the building(the movie theatre) right before having worked there for a year.

Then by the time the end of April rolled around, I discovered what has I think changed my life for now. I hope this is not just another "obsession" of mine because I tend to get obsessed about "online" environments (see playing gunbound for almost 2 years, with almost a full year dedicated to reaching one of the top levels in the game that is usually reached with cheating). Among discovering youtube, I discovered skype and blogtv, not thinking much of either at the time. Skype I did not think I would ever use and I have yet to do a live show on blogtv, nor do I ever plan on it. Then by the end of may, I uploaded my first actual video. I have done 8 videos over the coarse of 7 months but I hope my uncreative mind can come up with more creative things over the next year. I think I've been in more collaborations than I have actually produced my own content. I am not an opposition of that but I guess these things happen.

With now 1 mintue left in this year, I want to thank all the people I have met over the last 7 months in no particular order Bridget, Jeremy, Shannon, Quintein, Adam, Matt, Zach, Cade, Colson, Leah, Daniel, Michael, my communist Vivien, Kimmy, Mallory, Rosy, Chago, Garnet, and many many more that I currently watch but have not had a chance to watch.

I want to make it so that I actually meet most of you in 2009, hopefully in June. I will not stop until I am on a plane going to Portland for June 27/28/29, whenever it is. This makes me want the next 4 months of school to go by faster than any other time in my life. I would love to stay in Oregon as long as possible, being never being out of this province for more than a week as it is. I don't think my parents will be ok with the idea of me meeting people I've only spoken with on the internet, but I'm 21 now and I think its damn time for me to be doing things the way I want to.

Enough with this crap and lets get on with the day. Wooo school in 5 days (puke)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I have finally found the game that i like the most. Coincidentally it is the only game I can consistently win at. That game is balloono's. I still can't believe it hasn't been out for 2 days yet and i've almost waste 4 hours on that game. But then again, I've wasted 9 hours playing blockles having won only 8 times. Woot I'm so great at that game.

My brother (Karsen) found out about my blog. He was mocking me about it yesturday. He was like "so this Adam guy has got you addicted to spyro again huh?" I was kinda like, wtf how does he know this and he continued about my blogger picture, ect and I kinda just said i do not have a blog. Oh well.

Merry Christmas to everyone I do get to see over the next 24 hours. I will be working most of that time anyway. Wooo I will finally have attained my money goal very soon. But it will probalby decrease after I pay my mastercard and later in the year when I buy my tickets to Portland.

Friday, December 19, 2008

What college kids do

It is almost 4am. It is now the second consecutive night that I've stayed up past 4am after school has finished. On that note school has finished and I'm very happy that school has finally passed, for now. I wish "winter break" would be a little bit longer, but that would take away from the time off come April. Winter term always seems to go by slower, but that's mainly due to getting a week off in February for reading week. Among having good Friday and Easter Monday off as well. Not that I do not envy the Americans who have exams going into May :P.

Thanks to Adam for getting me hooked on Spyro The Dragon all over again. I have not played the game in a good 10 years (probably a little less than that but almost the same) and I am loving every minute of playing again. Although I would have thought that with age came greater playing ability, that is not the case. I forgot how to get to the flying only zone in the Artisans world. While doing the level, I failed to do "all in one" for a good half hour. I am just imagining now what it is going to be like trying to do all the stuff I couldn't do orignally 10 years ago. Woot.

Christmas is in 6 days and I believe I will be getting a camcorder finally. No more stupid digial camera to make my videos. Also this should help the rendering time, stupid vegas 8. Coupled with Christmas is my birthday in 11 days. I told my parents that the camera can be a birthday present as well. Also on my birthday my friend is taking me to the oilers game that night. I just hope over the next 11 days the oilers can get their act together and stop sucking. I do not want to see a 9-2 loss. I would be quite angry.

*falls asleep*

Sunday, December 14, 2008

One more day

One more day of spending most of my afternoon studying. I am falling asleep as I type this and I should have gone to bed an hour and a half ago. I don't want to wake up late in the morning, sunday night TV cannot be screwed up because of this :P

Monday, December 8, 2008


I thought I'd title this latest blog what I have been doing over the past week. I have been studying nonstop since Tuesday November 25th. I wish this would all come to an end very soon. The one thing I am looking forward to is the Dark knight that comes out tomorrow on blu-ray and DVD. I will watch it that night I hope and also what it when it comes back to theatres on the 23rd of Janurary. Besides this I should get to studying just a bit before I go to sleep. Maybe I will just sleep instead. I need to keep up on blogging as well.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The end of November

It is now the end of November and there is no snow on the ground. 2nd time in my 20 years on this earth that his has happened in Edmonton. I am pleasantly surprised, but I do not think this will last until that one green Christmas I remember.

Now, I am only writing this due to my brain deciding it doesn't want to work when I need it to. My discussion boards close in an hour and 34 minutes and I need to post one more thing. I hope I do well on this, although that doesn't look like its in the cards right now. Everyone else has posted almost double what I have but I think mine have more substance than theirs do. All I can do is hope now. I should finish writing this right now so I can continue writing. BYE

I hope to blog more than 4 times in December. Considering Christmas, my birthday and many other things happen in December, I am bound to post more. Or so I hope.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Punching hole's in the wall

That is my current mood at the moment. I don't know why, but it seems as if I can only write blogs when I'm pissed off at my brother or trying to procrastinate. Sad, but true.

I tried to start watching Fight Club today. Oh but woes me when he walks in the door and demands to go get the stupid new expansion to world of ****ing warcraft. Ask me why I got that for him for his birthday? My dad just walked in the door. Could Connur not wait a whole god damn half an hour for some stupid expansion that he will be playing from now until 1am on a school night without coming up for supper? I guess not. I didn't even get through 15 mintues of fight club when stupid Connur runs in the room and grabs my keys. He didn't even thank me. What an ungrateful little bitch. Oh how much I'd love to punch his face in right now. On top of that I finished reading Paper towns today and thought the ending was crap. Why WHY!??!! OH HAI Q GUESS WUT IM STAYING *SMOOCH OO BABY* BYYEE *cries* UGH @$)(@#*)#($#@$)(@#*$%^&$^%*&$#_!@#@!#(!@

I hope I am able to watch Quantum of Solace tonight or I'm just going to go beserk. Oh and if the oilers don't win as well **** will go flying. Have I said I love writing blogs when very unhappy? Its quite amusing to me anyway.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

2 days from now :(

I just realized that Tuesday will be by far, the worst day of this semester. I have the worst class ever to start the morning. I then have to present in front of a group of about 30 people about the most famous hockey player in the world who I have been told I look like. Even random people who I have never met say that I kinda do look like him. I will not be saying that in my presentation though. Next comes another midterm. I should do well on it. Social Psychology is my favorite class so far. The prof is really funny and he is not one of those "shancy fancy" profs.

I finished guitar hero world tour last night as everyone in the skypeover would attest to. I finally put away my headphones after I failed the very last song about 10-15 times over again. In the end I guess Cade was right. Career was a waste of time. At least I can say I beat it on hard. I still cannot believe I failed Hot for Teacher by Van Halen at 95%. I am not very happy about that.

Something that I am also not happy about is liking firefox. I downloaded it just for the hell of it and find that I will be using it from now on. It is so much faster than IE and doesn't crass every 10 mintues open a new window. Now I must go start and finish my last assignment for management class. I hope I do not kill myself :).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This blog title should be appropriately titled the fail blog

I have appropriately renamed something as fail club. 3 consecutive weeks of fail. I dont know how much more of it I can take :(. But there have been sufficient reasons for it to be failing so I guess I should not be too upset.

In other news I finished Looking for Alaska today. I enjoyed it a lot. Now time to get started on Paper Towns, if and when I can get started on it. Starting on paper towns may have to wait until after november 6th, when I'm done with school until studying for finals begins in the last week of November.

Guitar hero world tour has been fun so far. I just finished the Tool show and i cannot believe Parabola was 9:07 long. It was a good song but dang thats too long to play on a guitar. ugh.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


This may or may not end up being funny, it depends on if what I am thinking is true or not.

Tonight, while deciding that I'm going to procrastinate on studying once again, I thought I'd look at people's blogspot profiles(I know that sounds creepy). I make my way to Colson's and I found the people that he follows. Then I noticed this one blog called "Liquidator". The link in the blog was If I am assuming correctly, I am thinking he was trying to find my blog but just used my name instead of voldey. I'm thinking this because this "Liquidator" blog was last updated Wednesday January 24th, 2001. That was almost 8 years ago and none of us used the internet like we do now.

On a more awesome note, the oilers hockey season starts tonight ^_^. I am going to my second home opener in 3 years and I only didn't go last year because the oilers managed to only win 2 out of 20 games at the end of the 2006-2007 season. I am very excited to be going and to be sitting very close to our home team goalie. It should be a great night. I am hoping I can get my studying done before the game so I can come home and finish my personality assignment that is due on tuesday. I am thinking I may just watch the matrix or A Beautiful Mind and do my assignment on either one of those 2 movies.

Also, on another awesome note, I have found out that a couple up coming blu-ray releases will be packing digial copies as well. Although I think it defeats the purpose of an Ipod to have more gig's of movies than music it will still be awesome. Wall-E, Price Caspian and The Dark Knight will all be packing digial copies and I am very excited that I will have The Dark Knight with me wherever I go. Whether it be in my room, on my laptop or wherever I go on my ipod. Oh the joys :).

That is enough rambling for today.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I think I've used the title "I need more songs" Already

I've been trying to find "The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning" by the Smashing Pumpkins all day and have not been able to find it anywhere. Its unfair ;(.

I also want the instrumental version of the power rangers theme song, but I dont want to illegally download it. Woes me

South park is on in 25 mintues and its new. I am super exicted. The NHL season starts on sunday and I am going to the oilers home opener. I am really exicted about that.

I also need to get back to work on homework, kinda sorta. BYE

Friday, October 3, 2008

New pictures

I really suck at taking pictures. As you can see, both my twitter picture and my blogger picture are completely ridiculous. I really need to become more photogenic? I should learn how to take awesome pictures.
On a side note, as you can see stephen colbert likes to save spiderman. And apparently he is still running for president. I wish I lived in this world. I wish there was a way to download his Charlene song onto my ipod. That would really kick ass.
I start reading watchmen today. I only got through the first 6 pages but it seems pretty awesome. I've never seen a comic book depict violence in this way before. Its pretty new. It is also the first "Graphic Novel/Comic Book" that I have ever or will porbably read.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everyweek :(

It seems to me like I can only write one blog entry a week now. I've got to get up on this. Too bad I cannot write blogs from my iPod touch. It would be so much more convienent that way. It allows me to post comments and even title my blogs but it wont let me type in this bubble area here. I have a midterm tomorrow and on thursday. After that I am going to take a long break from studying. Which is pretty much going to be 2 weeks until my next midterm. Then testing season begins again. I am glad that I am still doing book club on days that I have exams. Its good for relaxation. It helps calm the anxiety before the storm.

Going to best buy is always an adventure. I always end up buying more than I wanted to. Well I think I kind of planned this anyway but I still spent 107 dollars at best buy today. I bought Iron man, the 40 year old virgin, knocked up and forgetting sarah marshall, all on blu-ray. The best thing though is that forgetting sarah marshall came with a digital version, which means I can download it to my iPod and watch it any time I want. I am going to enjoy the 3 disk special edition of Wall-E that comes out at the end of November. It has a digital copy as well, and it will be put on my iPod right away. I hope they do the same with the dark knight. I think I'm going to end up with more gig's used up on my iPod from movies than from music.

Theres my blog for "This week". I'm going to try and post more often after my examination week is over. XD

Monday, September 22, 2008

Testing season

Testing season is on the horizon. One test this week and 2 next week. But it just means the semester is getting closer to ending. The first month of school is almost finally over and I'm real glad that good movies are still coming out to help pass the time by. Among being friends with great online folk that I shall meet within the next year, if everything goes as planned.

I bought watchmen today and I think I'm going to start reading it tomorrow night. I wanted to read it tonight but I got sidetracked by awesome skype conversations. Speaking of which, Cade and I finished reading Philosophers stone to Kimmi. The best part after was we found a quiz on spark notes and gave it to kimmi to test her. She forgot that Hermione was the one who got attacked by the troll on halloween XD. We will be starting Chamber of Secrets tomorrow. It should be wonderful.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The shipwreck

Instead of my usual discussion of something ridiculous, I thought I would place and appropriate picture in this blog today

Now its off to another weekend of work I go. Oh, It should be fun finishing Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone after I get home from work.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


How ironic that the title of my blog is "My Blog of Procrastination" and that is what I am actually doing right now.


It is just so awesome to have something that can distract me from getting started on this "awesome" "annotated Bibliography" that is based upon the question "How can management effectively motivate teenage employee's." I have to find 10 scholarly articles and write summaries on 5 of them. These "articles" have to be at least 6 pages in length and must have at least 6 references". This should be easy, getting started is always the hardest part. I hate this part of school. The procrastinating and dreading doing it are the worst parts. Its terrible. I wanted to pick my winter term classes last week already and I have yet to do that as well. Why must this happen :(.

One great thing happened today. My Dragonball Z: Season Six DVD's got shipped today. I can hope those get here by tuesday and then I can be a happy person. Although I do not think I'll be watching those 26 episodes anytime soon :(.

I should really stop putting all of this off until 1 hour before I want to go to bed.

2 blog posts in a week? Ridiculous

I've had this page open for about 15 mintues now and I have yet to write anything. I am now tired and feel as if sleep is necessary. I'm still shocked at myself that I was able to go to sleep before 4am yesturday. It appears as if the same thing is going to happen tonight.

I reluctanly agreed to something that I now think I almost regret doing. Its become a chore now and I was hoping it would never become a chore. But I guess that is what happens when you're forced into something you never really wanted to do in the first place. I should have said no to begin with but I don't really have much of a backbone when it comes to telling people no. I do not want to make anyone mad at me but it seems as if that will be the case. It kinda bothers me that I was also the last to find out something that was quite important.

I think that I will go and watch Burn after reading tomorrow morning sometime or maybe possibly in the afternoon, depending on when I wake up. I want to get all the sleep I can before it all leaves my system by the time school rolls around this week. My annotated bibliography is due on Thursday and I plan on finishing it before Wednesday night at 10pm. I hope that I can gradually do enough work over the next 3 days to get it done. I am now actually falling asleep while writing this so I think I should wrap it up.

The last thing I want to mention is that I'm going to do everything in my power to go to the next NW gathering. It'll probably take everyones help, but I'm sure my mom doesn't think that portland is as bad a place as Atlanta.

I will make sure I do not leave 5 days inbetween blog posts again. I just hope it doesn't come to the point where I keep forgetting about blogging, and then going to work. That would suck :(

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School is lovely.....

Well school is just wonderful.

Ha, who am I kidding?

I'm going to have to present in front of a classroom full of people twice this term, and I'm going to embarass myself completely and its not going to be fun. I have to work on a group project with a whole bunch of people that I will never talk to or see again in 3 and a half months time and its going to be winter soon :(. Not even splitting my school weeks into 2 week intervals while I anticipate the next awesome dvd/blu-ray release wont save me.

Please save me :(. Maybe I should be happy or something

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Skypeover ^_^

Last night's skype over was the perfect medicine to the start of school. I got to meet a lot new and awesome people last night. Among them were Chago, Bridget, Rosy, Meghan, and Levi. It will probably be the longest skype call I will ever be in and I don't think I'll ever beat 10 hours on skype, ever. Now for the purpose of this blog.

I thought it should be quite appropriate that I post on the intrawebs the awesome that was known as the pokemans role play. It consists of awesome, awesome and more awesome and all that were involved were Cade, Adam, myself, Chago and Daniel. I hope it all fits in this blog.


Also, it is quite long so be prepared.

[1:24:10 AM] Cade says: there ya go adam
[1:24:20 AM] Adam says: cadeward
[1:24:21 AM] Cade says: it's not an argoomint
[1:24:21 AM] Ryan says: lata
[1:24:26 AM] Daniel says: *eating popcorn*
[1:24:26 AM] Adam says: bye bro
[1:24:31 AM] Cade says: later* ryan
[1:24:32 AM] Adam says: fail?
[1:24:40 AM] Cade says: vail
[1:24:48 AM] Cade says: i killed him for the exp.
[1:24:51 AM] Adam says: ohh
[1:24:53 AM] Adam says: i understand
[1:24:54 AM] Cade says: rofl?
[1:24:57 AM] Adam says: yes sir
[1:25:02 AM] Daniel says: i killed for HPts
[1:25:03 AM] Leah says: zach?
[1:25:06 AM] Cade says: yes
[1:25:10 AM] Cade says: i got 70 hp now
[1:25:12 AM] Adam says: would you like some syrup for your ROFLS?!
[1:25:16 AM] Daniel says: i used leer
[1:25:20 AM] Cade says: i need it
[1:25:24 AM] Adam says: i used tail whip
[1:25:26 AM] Cade says: i don't eat'em dry
[1:25:30 AM] Daniel says: i used sleep...then lost :(
[1:25:33 AM] Adam says: i used bind
[1:25:33 AM] Cade says: hahaha
[1:25:40 AM] *** Ryan left this chat
[1:25:41 AM] Adam says: BEAT BIND BITCHES
[1:25:42 AM] Cade says: *antidote*
[1:25:44 AM] Adam says: alliteration btw
[1:25:45 AM] Daniel says: i used gust then caused a hurricane
[1:25:49 AM] Leah says: Zach? -)?
[1:25:53 AM] Justin says: *GO PIKACHU*
[1:25:55 AM] Cade says: i used quick attack
[1:25:55 AM] Leah says: gosh dang
[1:25:58 AM] Leah says: i dropped
[1:25:59 AM] Daniel says: i used speed
[1:26:03 AM] Daniel says: then killed myself
[1:26:04 AM] vivien says: hold on babe
[1:26:04 AM] Adam says: speed is illegal
[1:26:07 AM] Justin says: *Pikachu use thunderbold*
[1:26:09 AM] Cade says: i used teleport
[1:26:11 AM] *** Cade left this chat
[1:26:18 AM] Justin says: *PIIIIIIKAAAAA CHUUUUUU
[1:26:18 AM] Adam says: i used psybeam
[1:26:23 AM] Daniel says: mankey I CHOOSE U
[1:26:26 AM] *** vivien added Cade to this chat
[1:26:35 AM] Adam says: mankey is the least coveted of all pokemon
[1:26:38 AM] Daniel says: mankey used attack
[1:26:41 AM] Adam says: besides effing weedle
[1:26:45 AM] Cade says: who chose me
[1:26:47 AM] Cade says: i came back
[1:26:48 AM] Adam says: i did
[1:26:49 AM] Daniel says: snorlax
[1:27:02 AM] Adam says: CADE USE YOUR PSYBEAM
[1:27:02 AM] Daniel says: i had a teacher IRL that was snorlax
[1:27:07 AM] Cade says: OTAY BUD
[1:27:09 AM] Adam says: YUS
[1:27:20 AM] Adam says: o wow
[1:27:26 AM] Daniel says: *faints*
[1:27:30 AM] Justin says: *THROWS IN MOAR MUDKIPZ
[1:27:33 AM] Adam says: LULZ MANIEL FAIL
[1:27:36 AM] Adam says: O GOD
[1:27:37 AM] Cade says: *final fantasy victory midi*
[1:27:41 AM] Adam says: 2 MANY MUDKIPZ
[1:27:45 AM] Cade says: hahahaha
[1:27:49 AM] Adam says: CADE
[1:27:52 AM] Adam says: USE EARTHQUAKE
[1:27:54 AM] Daniel says: GO DUGTRIO...I CHOOSE U
[1:27:58 AM] Daniel says: i use dig
[1:28:01 AM] Justin says: *MUKIPZ USE WHOOP DA WHOOP
[1:28:06 AM] Adam says: OH NO
[1:28:06 AM] Cade says: (punch)i'm fighting type
[1:28:14 AM] Cade says: i know earthquake
[1:28:22 AM] Daniel says: (hug)(hug)(hug) GO DUGTRIO USE HIDE
[1:28:23 AM] Leah says: i thought this was a no fighting zone?
[1:28:23 AM] Cade says: (flex)EARTHQUAKE!
[1:28:24 AM] Zak says: (dance) I'm dancing type
[1:28:27 AM] vivien says: DESU
[1:28:28 AM] vivien says: damn
[1:28:29 AM] Cade says: OKAY
[1:28:34 AM] Cade says: GTFO MUDKIPZ
[1:28:37 AM] Adam says: O WOW
[1:28:42 AM] Adam says: *mudkipz scatter*
[1:28:54 AM] Cade says: *level up*
[1:28:58 AM] Adam says: hoorah
[1:29:01 AM] Daniel says: Go JIGGLYPUFF...I CHOOSE U (chuckle)
[1:29:03 AM] Adam says: what?! cade is evolving!
[1:29:06 AM] Justin says: HAHAHAHA
[1:29:12 AM] Cade says: *dun dun dunnn*
[1:29:19 AM] Adam says: HOLY GOD
[1:29:22 AM] Adam says: THIS IS INCREDIBLE
[1:29:29 AM] Cade says: i evolved
[1:29:30 AM] Cade says: into
[1:29:31 AM] Cade says: cadeon
[1:29:33 AM] Adam says: CADEON
[1:29:44 AM] Adam says: WHAT WITH THE SPIKES
[1:29:44 AM] Cade says: 17 more levs to the next evo!
[1:29:48 AM] Cade says: you like?
[1:29:49 AM] Adam says: AH HAIL YEAH
[1:29:56 AM] Adam says: LET'S KILL SUM PIDGEYS
[1:30:01 AM] Cade says: YES
[1:30:02 AM] Adam says: LEVEL UP REAL GOOD
[1:30:04 AM] Cade says: INTO THE BUSHES
[1:30:07 AM] Adam says: HURRAH
[1:30:17 AM] Adam says: cadeon has but one attack
[1:30:18 AM] Adam says: MAIM
[1:30:19 AM] Cade says: BEHIND THAT TREE
[1:30:26 AM] Cade says: GOT CUT?
[1:30:28 AM] Cade says: i don't know it
[1:30:30 AM] Daniel says: What's that?! MISTY is sunbathing near the POKECENTER....Bi-Noc-U-LARS...I CHOOSE YEW
[1:30:31 AM] Adam says: HELL YEAH
[1:30:33 AM] Justin says: *MUDKIPZ USE WATERGUN
[1:30:35 AM] Adam says: i got an hm
[1:30:43 AM] Cade says: *shew*
[1:30:47 AM] Cade says: (rain) ahhh wtf
[1:30:48 AM] Adam says: i use the hm on cadeon
[1:30:50 AM] Cade says: i'm wet
[1:30:52 AM] Adam says: OH NO
[1:31:12 AM] Cade says: OH LOOK
[1:31:14 AM] Cade says: (sun)
[1:31:17 AM] Adam says: YUS
[1:31:27 AM] Daniel says: I'd like to buy the bicycle.
[1:31:31 AM] Cade says: WHEN HAS IT NOT HEHEHEHEHE
[1:31:31 AM] Adam says: TOO BAD MANIEL
[1:31:36 AM] Daniel says: NOEZ
[1:31:42 AM] Cade says: (CASH)
[1:31:44 AM] Daniel says: HAHAHAHAHAHA
[1:31:50 AM] Adam says: oh dear
[1:31:50 AM] Cade says: EMOTICONS DON'T WORK IN CAPS
[1:31:54 AM] Cade says: (cash)
[1:31:56 AM] Cade says: TADA
[1:31:58 AM] Daniel says: *uses DonaldTrumpmon*
[1:32:00 AM] Adam says: i'm getting sweary
[1:32:06 AM] Cade says: oh dear
[1:32:15 AM] Adam says: best brush my teeth
[1:32:17 AM] Adam says: cadeon
[1:32:18 AM] Justin says: hahaha
[1:32:24 AM] Adam says: do what you feel is right
[1:32:25 AM] Daniel says: DonaldTrumpmon has bought the bicycle for Daniel
[1:32:26 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ 1 FINAL ATTACK
[1:32:29 AM] Daniel says: Daniel is riding the bicycle
[1:32:33 AM] Cade says: WTF DO I DO?!
[1:32:35 AM] Justin says: USEEEE
[1:32:41 AM] Justin says: ITZZZ OVVAAAAAAAA 9000!
[1:32:45 AM] Cade says: I NEED SOME GUIDANCE
[1:32:49 AM] Cade says: AWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[1:32:52 AM] Cade says: "o
[1:32:52 AM] Daniel says: daniel added a potion
[1:33:02 AM] Cade says: ADAM TOOK MINE
[1:33:08 AM] Cade says: I HAVE NOTHING
[1:33:08 AM] Daniel says: *texts prof. oak...hope he alwaystextsback
[1:33:12 AM] Cade says: HAHA
[1:33:21 AM] Daniel says: on my iDex
[1:33:36 AM] Adam says: CADEON
[1:33:38 AM] Adam says: I AM BACK
[1:33:39 AM] Cade says: HELP
[1:33:44 AM] Cade says: IDK WTF I'M DOING
[1:33:45 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ OVVAAA 9000 ATTAK BREAKS DA iDEX
[1:33:47 AM] Cade says: YOU GTFO
[1:33:50 AM] Cade says: AND I WAS LIKE :O
[1:34:04 AM] Adam says: TELEPORT
[1:34:07 AM] Adam says: TELEPORT NOW
[1:34:07 AM] Cade says: oh right
[1:34:10 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ
[1:34:10 AM] *** Cade left this chat
[1:34:13 AM] Adam says: phew
[1:34:14 AM] Adam says: he is safe
[1:34:19 AM] *** Adam added Cade to this chat
[1:34:20 AM] Daniel says: daniel has ridin his bicycle to saphron city
[1:34:21 AM] Justin says: USE OVA 9000 ATTAK NAO!
[1:34:25 AM] Adam says: OH NO
[1:34:29 AM] Adam says: I BROUGHT HIM TOO SOON
[1:34:29 AM] Cade says: THEY CALLED ME BACK
[1:34:40 AM] Cade says: MY HP IS
[1:34:41 AM] Cade says: D
[1:34:41 AM] Cade says: D
[1:34:41 AM] Chago says: team rocket made saphron esplode
[1:34:42 AM] Cade says: D
[1:34:45 AM] Cade says: DRAINNNNING
[1:34:50 AM] Daniel says: *daniel has skipped to the blue version*
[1:34:50 AM] Adam says: HYPER POTION
[1:34:50 AM] Cade says: IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
[1:34:53 AM] Cade says: OH SHEW
[1:35:00 AM] Adam says: HELL YEAH MAN
[1:35:08 AM] Cade says: I FEEL BETTER
[1:35:14 AM] Adam says: I SPENT IT ON HYPER POTIONS
[1:35:15 AM] Cade says: YEAH WTF
[1:35:20 AM] Adam says: and a lemonade for the guard
[1:35:23 AM] Adam says: BUT THAT
[1:35:25 AM] Adam says: IS BESIDES
[1:35:25 AM] Cade says: WHY ARE THEY STILL HERE
[1:35:27 AM] Adam says: THE POINT
[1:35:35 AM] Cade says: DON'T I NO ELECTRICITY ATTICS?!
[1:35:38 AM] Adam says: CADE
[1:35:44 AM] Adam says: BRING THE THUNDAAA
[1:35:44 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ USE CHOCOLATE RAIN!
[1:35:48 AM] Adam says: *CADEON
[1:35:54 AM] Adam says: OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT
[1:36:03 AM] Cade says: * I STEP AWAY FROM THE MIC *
[1:36:08 AM] Adam says: WELL DONE
[1:36:12 AM] Daniel says: *just got text back from prof. oak on iDex, he says use leer, idk he might be drunk, but try it*
[1:36:21 AM] Cade says: YESSSSSSSS
[1:36:26 AM] Cade says: I'M GETTING BETTER HUH ADAM
[1:36:28 AM] Adam says: SLAPPING 5 IS IN ORDER
[1:36:31 AM] Adam says: YES SIR
[1:36:37 AM] Cade says: (wave)HI5
[1:36:42 AM] Cade says: OH NO
[1:36:44 AM] Adam says: justin gtfo.
[1:36:48 AM] Cade says: HAHAHA
[1:36:49 AM] Adam says: (lol jk)
[1:36:54 AM] Adam says: OH NOOOO
[1:37:00 AM] Adam says: CADEON
[1:37:00 AM] Cade says: NO FEAR
[1:37:07 AM] Cade says: I FOUND CHRIS CROCKER
[1:37:08 AM] Adam says: THIS COULD BE DANGEROUS
[1:37:11 AM] Cade says: HE SAID LEAVE ME ALONE
[1:37:13 AM] Cade says: BITCH
[1:37:13 AM] Adam says: OH GOD DON'TTOUCH HIM
[1:37:15 AM] Daniel says: *just got another text from prof. oak, apparently he just spoke to chris hanson and he is in trouble*
[1:37:29 AM] Cade says: DON'T TASE ME BRO.
[1:37:31 AM] Cade says: PLZ.
[1:37:33 AM] Adam says: IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE
[1:37:48 AM] Cade says: I KNEW IT
[1:37:52 AM] Cade says: AWWWWW
[1:37:57 AM] Cade says: THEY'VE GOT SO MANY MOOBS!
[1:38:00 AM] Daniel says: *just got text on iDex from ash, apparently misty is fully nude sunbathing nao....brock is watching from the bushes*
[1:38:08 AM] Cade says: WHAT
[1:38:11 AM] Cade says: ADAM
[1:38:13 AM] Cade says: CAN I BREAK FOR THAT
[1:38:23 AM] Adam says: I CALL A FIVE MINUTE BREAK
[1:38:23 AM] Daniel says: HAHAHAHA
[1:38:24 AM] Justin says: *MUDKIPZ STARTS STARIN
[1:38:35 AM] Daniel says: brock choses ONIX....ironcially
[1:38:42 AM] Cade says: HAHAHAHA
[1:38:43 AM] Adam says: O_o
[1:38:49 AM] Cade says: APPARENTLY HE GOT A HARD ON
[1:38:53 AM] Adam says: OH I GET IT
[1:38:54 AM] Daniel says: good deduction
[1:38:55 AM] Cade says: GET IT
[1:38:57 AM] Adam says: BECAUSE ONIX
[1:38:58 AM] Cade says: ROCK TYPE
[1:38:58 AM] Adam says: IS LONG
[1:38:59 AM] Cade says: YES
[1:38:59 AM] Adam says: SLENDER
[1:39:01 AM] Adam says: AND HARD
[1:39:01 AM] Justin says: HHAHAHAHA
[1:39:03 AM] Adam says: LIKE A PENIS
[1:39:05 AM] Cade says: I'M CLEVER
[1:39:08 AM] Cade says: CAN I LEVEL UP
[1:39:08 AM] Adam says: OF COURSE
[1:39:10 AM] Cade says: ANY DAY NOW
[1:39:18 AM] Cade says: JEEZ I'VE BEEN DOING SO MUCH EXP
[1:39:18 AM] Adam says: LEVEL UP LIKE A MADMAN
[1:39:22 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ STEAL DA LEVEL UP
[1:39:28 AM] Cade says: LIKE WHAT U GUYS THINK 2 OR 3
[1:39:29 AM] Daniel says: Cade has reached level puberty
[1:39:35 AM] Cade says: AWW FINALE.
[1:39:39 AM] Adam says: (note: this is why adam doesn't belong on skype past midnight)
[1:39:46 AM] Daniel says: join the club
[1:39:48 AM] Cade says: obvz.
[1:39:49 AM] Adam says: (i apologize)
[1:39:53 AM] Daniel says: ^ samez
[1:39:54 AM] Adam says: K
[1:39:55 AM] Justin says: this is epic
[1:39:59 AM] Cade says: (it's too late)
[1:40:00 AM] Adam says: CADE
[1:40:02 AM] Cade says: TIMBALAND
[1:40:03 AM] Cade says: OH
[1:40:04 AM] Daniel says: we're still watching misty
[1:40:05 AM] Adam says: 14 LEVELS AWAY NOW MAN
[1:40:05 AM] Cade says: OK
[1:40:12 AM] Adam says: WE GOTTA KEEP TRAINING
[1:40:15 AM] Adam says: LET'S GO TO THE GYM
[1:40:16 AM] Cade says: YUS
[1:40:17 AM] Daniel says: misty is now swimming
[1:40:18 AM] Daniel says: nude
[1:40:23 AM] Cade says: I WUNT TO BE EVOLVEDED MOAR
[1:40:24 AM] Daniel says: onix just threw up ;)
[1:40:26 AM] Adam says: YUS
[1:40:30 AM] Adam says: o_O
[1:40:34 AM] Adam says: daniel...
[1:40:36 AM] Adam says: that's...
[1:40:40 AM] Adam says: good lord...
[1:40:41 AM] Daniel says: i knooooooooooooooooo
[1:40:43 AM] Adam says: it's sunday, man...
[1:40:44 AM] Daniel says: i didnt mean it
[1:40:46 AM] Daniel says: HAHA
[1:40:46 AM] Adam says: sunday...
[1:40:47 AM] Cade says: SUNDAY!
[1:40:57 AM] Justin says: SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY
[1:40:57 AM] Adam says: ANWYAY
[1:40:59 AM] Daniel says: sunday morning rain is pourin, aaahhh yeeee yeaaahhh
[1:41:09 AM] Cade says: MAROON 6
[1:41:10 AM] Cade says: 5
[1:41:10 AM] Daniel says: misty just put shirt on
[1:41:14 AM] Daniel says: back to fighting
[1:41:16 AM] Adam says: (somebody be team rocket?)
[1:41:20 AM] Cade says: PLZ
[1:41:24 AM] Cade says: THIS IS INTERACTIVE
[1:41:26 AM] Daniel says: voldey can haz meowz
[1:41:37 AM] Cade says: I H8 DAT TALKIN CHAT
[1:41:38 AM] Adam says: do it chagz.
[1:41:48 AM] Chago says: WUT
[1:41:52 AM] Adam says: O LOOK
[1:41:54 AM] Cade says: WHY IT HAZ MUNNI IN IT'S FACE
[1:41:57 AM] Adam says: I SPY TEAM ROCKET
[1:41:58 AM] Chago says: PREPARE 4 TRUBL
[1:41:59 AM] Daniel says: be are be....visiting prof. oak in predator jail
[1:42:04 AM] Chago says: MAKE IT DUBL
[1:42:08 AM] Cade says: WE DON'T WUNT DAT SONG
[1:42:15 AM] Cade says: SPEED OF LIGHT I'MA F U UP BIOTCH
[1:42:19 AM] Chago says: 2 prtct teh world from perspiration
[1:42:20 AM] Adam says: CADE
[1:42:23 AM] Adam says: *CADEON
[1:42:24 AM] Cade says: SUP
[1:42:26 AM] Cade says: YEAH
[1:42:31 AM] Adam says: USE YOUR SOULJA BOY ATTACK
[1:42:40 AM] Chago says: GO MEOWTH
[1:42:44 AM] Adam says: OH NO
[1:42:45 AM] Chago says: TALK OR SOMETHING OMG
[1:42:45 AM] Cade says: (dance)
[1:42:52 AM] Cade says: SNAP
[1:42:54 AM] Cade says: TOO LATE
[1:42:59 AM] Adam says: OHHH NOOOOO
[1:43:00 AM] Chago says: AHHHH
[1:43:09 AM] Cade says: ALL I HAVE IS GROWL
[1:43:10 AM] Adam says: WAIT
[1:43:13 AM] Chago says: YA RLY COUNTER
[1:43:25 AM] Cade says: (doh) i'm hurting adam
[1:43:29 AM] Adam says: o
[1:43:33 AM] Adam says: i hyper ptn u up
[1:43:34 AM] Chago says: meowth is a maniac D: (dance)
[1:43:37 AM] Cade says: FINALLY
[1:43:42 AM] Adam says: sry bro
[1:43:43 AM] Chago says: on the flo
[1:43:46 AM] Cade says: CAREFUL
[1:43:50 AM] Chago says: and she dancin like she never danced befo'
[1:43:54 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ DANCE TO NUMA NUMA
[1:43:55 AM] Cade says: HEY
[1:43:56 AM] Cade says: HEY
[1:43:57 AM] Cade says: YOU
[1:44:00 AM] Cade says: YOU
[1:44:00 AM] Chago says: NO
[1:44:03 AM] Cade says: I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND
[1:44:06 AM] Cade says: MOST VIEWED
[1:44:08 AM] Chago says: NOOO
[1:44:09 AM] Adam says: OHHHHH
[1:44:10 AM] Cade says: :@
[1:44:12 AM] Cade says: SO MUCH
[1:44:15 AM] Adam says: 92,000,000 PTS OF DAMAGE
[1:44:19 AM] Chago says: *ping*
[1:44:22 AM] Cade says: HAHAHAHA
[1:44:31 AM] Adam says: FLAWLESS VICTORY
[1:44:32 AM] Cade says: LEVEL UP PLZ
[1:44:38 AM] Adam says: LEVEL YOSELF UP BRO
[1:44:40 AM] Adam says: 4 LVL
[1:44:43 AM] Cade says: OH YES
[1:44:45 AM] Cade says: HOW MANY MORE
[1:44:52 AM] Adam says: I BELIEVE IT IS 10.
[1:44:55 AM] Cade says: (puke)
[1:44:58 AM] Adam says: DUN WORRY
[1:44:59 AM] Cade says: OK
[1:45:04 AM] Justin says: +100 000 000 dmg
[1:45:07 AM] Adam says: GYM WILL FIX YOU RIGHT UP.
[1:45:12 AM] Cade says: PLZ
[1:45:25 AM] Daniel says: oak gets 10 year for being dirty perv
[1:45:25 AM] Adam says: (music)GOING TO THE GYM (music)
[1:45:29 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ CALL BROCK
[1:45:33 AM] Cade says: WAIT ADAM
[1:45:35 AM] Adam says: (music)GOING TO THE GODDAMNED GYM (music)
[1:45:35 AM] Cade says: OVUR THERE
[1:45:36 AM] Adam says: WHAT
[1:45:39 AM] Daniel says: brock busy sryz
[1:45:41 AM] Cade says: YOU NO SEE IT
[1:45:44 AM] Adam says: O GOD
[1:45:46 AM] Cade says: I SEE IT
[1:45:46 AM] Adam says: WUT IS DAT
[1:45:48 AM] Cade says: IT'S
[1:45:52 AM] Cade says: IT'S A MAGIKARP
[1:45:56 AM] Justin says: SENT MSG IS JOYCE ROLL
[1:45:57 AM] Cade says: HE TURNS INTO A GOOD POKEMAN
[1:45:57 AM] Adam says: T_T
[1:46:00 AM] Adam says: O_O
[1:46:01 AM] Cade says: LIKE LEVEL 200
[1:46:02 AM] Adam says: UR RITE
[1:46:11 AM] Adam says: SNATCH DAT BITCH UP
[1:46:12 AM] Cade says: U HAVE MSTRBALL?
[1:46:18 AM] Adam says: I SAV 4 MEW2
[1:46:21 AM] Daniel says: *seeking rite aid potion*
[1:46:22 AM] Cade says: OH YEZ
[1:46:31 AM] Adam says: (i know, i won't say it anymore...)
[1:46:35 AM] Adam says: (srz)
[1:46:38 AM] Cade says: I THINK I WILL ONE HIT KO IT
[1:46:39 AM] Daniel says: dop id
[1:46:42 AM] Adam says: O NO
[1:46:43 AM] Adam says: NO MAN
[1:46:43 AM] Daniel says: doop id
[1:46:46 AM] Adam says: I GOTTA CATCH IT
[1:46:49 AM] Cade says: BUT I'M SO GOOD
[1:46:52 AM] Adam says: I KNOW
[1:46:53 AM] Cade says: WE HAVE NOTHING I CAN USE
[1:46:57 AM] Cade says: NOT EVEN TACL
[1:47:02 AM] Adam says: U CAN THROW TEH POKEBALLZ
[1:47:03 AM] Cade says: DAT WILL MURDER HIM
[1:47:07 AM] Daniel says: *throws super pokeball*
[1:47:09 AM] Daniel says: *catches first*
[1:47:11 AM] Cade says: WTF
[1:47:14 AM] Cade says: HE ROBBED US
[1:47:14 AM] Daniel says: *rides away on bike*
[1:47:16 AM] Adam says: DAMMIT DANIEL + JUSTIN
[1:47:17 AM] Chago says: I WANT IT
[1:47:18 AM] Justin says: HAHAHHAAH
[1:47:20 AM] Adam says: HE HAS A BIKE
[1:47:21 AM] Chago says: PREPARE 4 TRUBL AGAN
[1:47:23 AM] Cade says: WE CAN'T LET HIM GET AWAY
[1:47:25 AM] Adam says: WE CAN NEVER HOPE TO CATCH UP
[1:47:25 AM] Chago says: (music)
[1:47:30 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ USE OVA 9000 ATTK ON BROCK
[1:47:30 AM] Daniel says: *in saphron city by nao*
[1:47:31 AM] Cade says: AWWW GTFO TEAM ROGGET
[1:47:32 AM] Adam says: CHAGO STFU
[1:47:32 AM] Chago says: MAKE IT DUBL
[1:47:35 AM] Chago says: LOL
[1:47:45 AM] Adam says: DACEON
[1:47:46 AM] Cade says: ADAM
[1:47:48 AM] Adam says: WAIT
[1:47:49 AM] Adam says: THE HELL
[1:47:51 AM] Adam says: CADEON
[1:47:51 AM] Chago says: MEOWTH THAT'S RIGHT
[1:47:51 AM] Cade says: WHAT
[1:47:55 AM] Adam says: CAN YOU USE FLY
[1:47:59 AM] Daniel says: *brock finished in bushes...puts onix back in pokeballS*
[1:48:00 AM] Cade says: LET ME GOOGLE
[1:48:02 AM] Adam says: K
[1:48:02 AM] Chago says: .__.
[1:48:04 AM] Adam says: I WILL WAIT
[1:48:06 AM] Cade says: YOU HAVE THE HM?
[1:48:12 AM] Adam says: I BELIVE SO
[1:48:15 AM] Chago says: WHERE THE F IS PIKACHU
[1:48:16 AM] Cade says: IF YOU HAVE IT
[1:48:18 AM] Adam says: IN MY KNAPSAK
[1:48:19 AM] Cade says: I'M COMPAT.
[1:48:20 AM] Justin says: PIKA PIKA
[1:48:22 AM] Adam says: K
[1:48:25 AM] Adam says: (USE)
[1:48:25 AM] Daniel says: *misty in shaaowa*
[1:48:30 AM] Cade says: I CAN ALSO YOUS DOUBLETEAM
[1:48:35 AM] Daniel says: prof. oak watching again
[1:48:36 AM] Cade says: ONLY ON FEMAIL POKEMANS
[1:48:40 AM] Cade says: (happy)
[1:48:40 AM] Justin says: *PIKACHU USE THUNDER ON TM ROKT
[1:48:40 AM] Adam says: (does misty just like, hang out naked...?)
[1:48:43 AM] Daniel says: prof. oak gets 20 years nao
[1:48:45 AM] Adam says: O I C
[1:48:50 AM] Chago says: LOL NO
[1:48:55 AM] Adam says: CADEON
[1:48:57 AM] Daniel says: misty is the equivelent of throwing a hot dog down a hallway
[1:48:58 AM] Cade says: YES
[1:48:59 AM] Adam says: FLY TO SAFFRON
[1:49:00 AM] Chago says: *blazt of agen*
[1:49:02 AM] Cade says: EAZY
[1:49:08 AM] Daniel says: *leaves saffron*
[1:49:09 AM] Cade says: (music)
[1:49:11 AM] Adam says: DAMIT
[1:49:12 AM] Adam says: TOO LATE
[1:49:15 AM] Cade says: (o)
[1:49:20 AM] Cade says: loading
[1:49:21 AM] Cade says: sorrsz
[1:49:23 AM] Adam says: O RITE.
[1:49:25 AM] Daniel says: *hiding in local pokeshelter*
[1:49:26 AM] Cade says: i'm slow at first
[1:49:27 AM] Adam says: S'COOL
[1:49:30 AM] Cade says: (music)
[1:49:32 AM] Cade says: WE LANDED
[1:49:32 AM] Adam says: SO UM
[1:49:34 AM] Adam says: O
[1:49:35 AM] Cade says: WHERE TO
[1:49:36 AM] Adam says: O GOOD
[1:49:40 AM] Daniel says: *catches squirtle*
[1:49:41 AM] Cade says: WTF
[1:49:42 AM] Adam says: TO DANIEL OF COURSE
[1:49:48 AM] Cade says: HE IS LEGANDAIRY
[1:49:50 AM] Daniel says: *put outs fire at local house for charity*
[1:49:51 AM] Adam says: YUS
[1:50:01 AM] Cade says: WTF HE GOT MUNNI FOR GOOD DUTY
[1:50:05 AM] Adam says: AH
[1:50:09 AM] Adam says: HE IS SO SMRT
[1:50:26 AM] Daniel says: *does misty for charity*
[1:50:30 AM] Chago says: TM ROCKET BLASTED OFF FOOL
[1:50:32 AM] Daniel says: *gets more (cash) *
[1:50:35 AM] Cade says: not FAIR
[1:50:40 AM] Daniel says: misty pay well nao
[1:50:42 AM] Justin says: STOPS FOR WATCH BREAK
[1:50:52 AM] Daniel says: *video tapes*
[1:50:53 AM] Justin says: (handshake)
[1:50:57 AM] Adam says: *offers misty a safe home for charity*
[1:50:58 AM] Daniel says: *puts on iDex*
[1:51:00 AM] Cade says: (~)
[1:51:07 AM] Cade says: (makeup)
[1:51:11 AM] Cade says: WEN WE FITE GIN?
[1:51:14 AM] Daniel says: *uploads to
[1:51:16 AM] vivien says: put on roab and wizard hat...
[1:51:17 AM] Adam says: O RITE
[1:51:23 AM] Adam says: WAIT
[1:51:25 AM] Adam says: BETR SAVE
[1:51:28 AM] Adam says: U LEVELD UP A LOT
[1:51:29 AM] Justin says: YUS
[1:51:32 AM] Justin says: *SAVES*
[1:51:33 AM] Cade says: i no!
[1:51:35 AM] Daniel says: *calls prof. oak for wisdom*
[1:51:37 AM] Adam says: *SAVES*
[1:51:41 AM] Cade says: DOY
[1:51:48 AM] Adam says: QUICK
[1:51:49 AM] Justin says: MUDKIPZ
[1:51:51 AM] Cade says: WHAT
[1:51:52 AM] Justin says: QUICk
[1:51:52 AM] Adam says: WHILE HE'S DISTRACTED
[1:51:56 AM] Cade says: I CAN DO
[1:51:56 AM] Adam says: TAKE DANIEL'S MAGIKARP
[1:52:00 AM] Cade says: EASY
[1:52:03 AM] Adam says: TAKEITTAKEIT
[1:52:04 AM] Justin says: USE KAMEHAMEHA ON MISTY
[1:52:07 AM] Cade says: (skype)SUPER BALL
[1:52:11 AM] Adam says: OH SH-
[1:52:13 AM] Justin says: NO MOAR DISTRACTIONS
[1:52:19 AM] Daniel says: *substititues squirtle while i BRB misty kthnkxbi*
[1:52:20 AM] Adam says: FLY
[1:52:25 AM] Cade says: (music)
[1:52:29 AM] Cade says: (o)
[1:52:30 AM] Adam says: SO
[1:52:31 AM] Cade says: ....
[1:52:33 AM] Adam says: HOW R THE KIDS
[1:52:37 AM] Cade says: UHSUM
[1:52:41 AM] Adam says: GOOD GOOD
[1:52:43 AM] Daniel says: *teleports*
[1:52:48 AM] Adam says: WAY TO GO DANNY
[1:52:48 AM] Cade says: WE WERE SO HAPPY FOR HIM
[1:52:48 AM] Chago says: I WANT
[1:52:49 AM] Chago says: THAT
[1:52:50 AM] Chago says: CADE
[1:52:51 AM] Adam says: HE'S A CHAMP
[1:52:54 AM] Cade says: YES HE IS
[1:52:56 AM] Chago says: ITS SO STRNG
[1:52:56 AM] Daniel says: *steals back magikkkarp*
[1:52:58 AM] Cade says: (music)
[1:53:00 AM] Daniel says: *teleports*
[1:53:00 AM] Justin says: (~)MISTY NAO IN 10000 PIECES
[1:53:01 AM] Cade says: OH HERE WE ARE
[1:53:03 AM] Chago says: GO TIMER BAWL (o)
[1:53:06 AM] Adam says: OH
[1:53:07 AM] Cade says: actually brb...
[1:53:07 AM] Daniel says: *misty back kthnkx*
[1:53:13 AM] Adam says: oh ok.
[1:53:31 AM] Cade says: matt called me
[1:53:31 AM] Cade says: XD
[1:53:35 AM] Adam says: hahah
[1:53:42 AM] Cade says: hangs up with zak and then calls me
[1:53:45 AM] Adam says: lol
[1:53:54 AM] Chago says: i can't catch cade if he isn't here. :
[1:53:55 AM] Cade says: save pokemon
[1:54:09 AM] Adam says: VACATIONING AND STUFF
[1:54:17 AM] Adam says: AND WINDOWS
[1:54:20 AM] Daniel says: *swimming with magikkkarp*
[1:54:27 AM] Adam says: AND NO TELEPORTING
[1:54:31 AM] Adam says: *saves*
[1:54:34 AM] Adam says: we will brb.
[1:54:36 AM] Daniel says: *teleported before he said that*
[1:54:41 AM] Adam says: daniel
[1:54:43 AM] Adam says: you did not
[1:54:44 AM] Adam says: lol
[1:54:45 AM] Justin says: *THROWS ULTRABALL
[1:54:45 AM] Daniel says: did too
[1:54:48 AM] Daniel says: see
[1:54:48 AM] Adam says: FINE
[1:54:51 AM] Daniel says: *punches*
[1:54:54 AM] Adam says: WE LIED ABOUT WHERE WE WERE
[1:55:05 AM] Adam says: WE R IN SECRET ROOM
[1:55:10 AM] Adam says: SO BREFFINGB
[1:55:13 AM] Justin says: CHARIZARD FLY TO PALLET TOWN
[1:55:24 AM] Justin says: FIND CADEON
[1:55:29 AM] Chago says: *still blasting off again*
[1:55:34 AM] Daniel says: no thats brock
[1:55:44 AM] Adam says: dang man
[1:55:46 AM] Adam says: i think
[1:55:51 AM] Adam says: i might have to go to bed.
[1:55:54 AM] Justin says: nuu!
[1:55:56 AM] Adam says: it is late.
[1:55:57 AM] Justin says: this is too epic
[1:56:01 AM] vivien says: aww
[1:56:02 AM] vivien says: adam
[1:56:03 AM] Adam says: this is incredible...
[1:56:03 AM] vivien says: damit
[1:56:07 AM] Adam says: somebody save it
[1:56:09 AM] Adam says: I WILL SAVE IT
[1:56:20 AM] Cade says: no moar skype call?
[1:56:24 AM] vivien says: shit
[1:56:29 AM] Chago says: o_o
[1:56:31 AM] vivien says: pokemanz land is goan
[1:56:40 AM] vivien says: i put on my robe and wizard hat?
[1:57:10 AM] Leah says: call failed :[
[1:57:13 AM] Adam says: i call being dumbledore?
[1:57:19 AM] Justin says: *is snape
[1:57:26 AM] Chago says: RON WEENY
[1:57:28 AM] Adam says: no...
[1:57:33 AM] Adam says: we need to do more role playing
[1:57:35 AM] Adam says: it works out well
[1:57:36 AM] Daniel says: ^ herminie
[1:57:36 AM] Adam says: lol
[1:57:48 AM] Adam says: daniel remember
[1:57:50 AM] Daniel says: i be ron burgandy
[1:57:52 AM] Justin says: role playing ftw
[1:57:54 AM] Adam says: no electronics in hogwarts
[1:57:58 AM] Daniel says: damnshit
[1:58:04 AM] Justin says: no iWand
[1:58:07 AM] Adam says: lol
[1:58:13 AM] Daniel says: iScorcerer
[1:58:15 AM] Daniel says: my laptop
[1:58:15 AM] Adam says: but alas
[1:58:17 AM] Adam says: i sleep
[1:58:19 AM] Adam says: for reals
[1:58:21 AM] Leah says: merrrrr
[1:58:24 AM] Daniel says: baiiiiiiiiiii
[1:58:28 AM] Adam says: we shall role play another day
[1:58:32 AM] Justin says: yuss we shuld
[1:58:36 AM] Daniel says: i will be der
[1:58:55 AM] Justin says: we'll all be thur
[1:58:55 AM] Adam says: alright
[1:58:58 AM] Adam says: BYE EVERYONE
[1:59:01 AM] Justin says: GOOD NIGHT ADAM
[1:59:03 AM] Daniel says: like misty
[1:59:07 AM] Chago says: BAI BAI BAI
[1:59:11 AM] Daniel says: misty plays for both teams
[1:59:12 AM] Adam says: i will
[1:59:14 AM] Leah says: byeeee :]
[1:59:16 AM] Adam says: haha
[1:59:17 AM] Daniel says: or as the great conan obrien once said
[1:59:23 AM] Adam says: yes sir
[1:59:26 AM] Daniel says: "She likes to plant her seed in the other mellon patch"
[1:59:30 AM] Adam says: hahah
[1:59:32 AM] Adam says: night all
[1:59:36 AM] Justin says: good night

All in all the skypeover was a great success and I'm very happy that I was able to be included in it. Thanks Leah and Vivien <3

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of school

At school, I was able to play around with the wifi on my ipod touch finally. It was wicked XD

I was only in class for 33 mintues today and it rocked, I'm hoping for much of the same tomorrow. If thats the case, then I'll be one happy camper going into work tomorrow evening.

Among the topic of schooling, my only class on mondays/wednesdays/fridays had 3 exams and none of them are cumulative. Thats the first time I've ever had a final exam which was not cumulative, which is super nice.

Now I am watching Tennis instead of going to sleep. Whats wrong with me?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School tomorrow

School start tomorrow. Another long 8 months of school before another hectic summer movie season. Although, I hope I'm not working for the majority of next sumer. I hope to be able to go places and see people. But, be back for work to watch Harry Potter 6, transformers 2, wolverine, and Bruno. There will probably be more movies that I'll love next summer, but I do not see next summer being as awesome as this one. <3 The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Narnia, Indy 4 and many many more.

I love my school schedule for this year. I have Developmental Psychology from 11-12 Monday Wednesday and Fridays. Then I have Introduction to Management from 8-9:30, Personality from 9:30-11 and Social Psychology from 11-12:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It appears to be a fun first half of the year and I think within the next week I'll pick my classes for 2nd term. I think I'll have my classes set up the same way, with maybe an alteration in that 8am class not too sure though, I may like getting home at 1:30 and taking a well earned nap :).

My hope for next summer is to convince my mom to allow me to go somewhere. I don't know if it will work but maybe it will. I'll be 21 by the time next summer rolls around and I hope I'll be able to see some awesome people.

Monday, September 1, 2008

iPod Touch

I bought an iPod touch on Saturday. The first apple product I have ever bought. I am excited to actually get it up and running. I also do not plan on illegally downloading my music. I plan on buying it all from iTunes. It will probably catch up to me at some point, but I don't really care. I'd rather know I'm getting a safe product, instead of an unsafe one.

I have almost finished my Harry Potter filmathon. I have Order of the Phoenix left. I think I'll finish watching that one sometime today. I think instead of writing one of my usual long blog posts, I'll just finish off here by saying that I'm going to go finish playing around with my iPod Touch now =]

Friday, August 29, 2008

At a loss for words

I forgot to blog yesturday. Well, it was more along the lines of not having enough time to write a blog. It was one of those days where I woke up extremely late in the day(1:30) and had to be at work for 5pm. I still managed to listen to teawithtodd and laugh my ass off once again. There doesn't seem to be a day where I don't laugh at that podcast.

One thing I've always wondered is how long of a gap should be between video uploads. I'm thinking about one a week? I'm not too sure, I'm still new to making my own videos and such. On the subject of youtube, there is someone who I would like to bring to everyone's attention. His youtube name was LittleKuriboh. He was one of the most popular youtubers last year, until whatever company owns Yu-Gi-Oh! filed a copyright claim against him. He lost his account but still makes his awesome videos. If you've ever watched the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime series you would cry watching these 6 mintue videos. He pretty much makes fun of the show and summerizes the show itself into 6 mintues, while voice acting all the parts. Funny thing is, he almost does all the voices exactly like the voice actors themselves. I've posted is blog in the side bar XD and everyone should go check out his video's, if you watched Yu-Gi-Oh! that is. If not, his video's probably would not suit your humor.

I've also been thinking about getting an iPod touch. Is it worth it? Let me know. =]. I think after watching college, I shall watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Then go back to the theatre for 12:30 to watch hamlet 2 ^-^. Funny isn't it? On my 3rd last day off before school starts I'm watching movies all day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I hate getting my haircut

Now it's time for an embarrassing story about myself =]

Lets go back in time to 2001 when I was in grade 8. This is the year that I moved school's because everyone was being a jerk at my old school. I believe the setting is a cold winters day, but I'm not too sure.

I have been bothering my mother about a haircut for some time now. Every other hairdresser was closed and I really wanted one. My mom and I conveniently went to superstore(crappy Canadian store, don't ask :P). We proceed to find a hairdresser inside the superstore. They were nice enought to take me in right before they closed. And now a very traumatic life event occurs.

I tell the hairdresser that I would like a cesar 2. I don't know if he had a hearing problem or what because I thought my mom said it pretty clearly. He then proceeds to turn on the razor and cut straight down the middle of my hair. By this time, you can't actually say anything because there's a huge cut in the middle of your hair. We proceed to let him finish the distruction of my childhood. I leave the place with a bald head and anger towards every which person in the world. I was angry at my mom for ages. I never went back to the place. I wanted to swear death threats on his life. Only did I forgive my mom 2 years later.

The next day at school, I did not want to take off my hat and show that I had a bald head. It was too embarrassing. I had to and everyone laughed at me. I just wanted to hide and not go back to school until my hair grew back.

Since that day, I have always been afraid to go to the hairdresser, thinking they're going to screw up my hair again. Heed my advice, HAIRDRESSERS ARE EVIL AND THEY'RE OUT TO RUIN OUR LIVES.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Harry Potter

Yesturday I bought the first 4 Harry Potter films on Blu Ray. I watched Philosophers Stone today after having read the first 5 chapters with cade to kimmi. It was great success and great fun. So I thought it would be appropriate that I address my love for the book series at some point.

I've been wanting to re-read it for a long time not but never really found the time to do it. Now that Cade and I will be reading the series to Kimmi, it works out quite well. It also makes up for the fact that Half Blood Prince wont be out this November(stupid WB). I really still wish it was comming out this November but I guess the longer wait now makes the wait between Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Pt.1 shorter.

I feel bad for Cade. Having his Ipod stolen by either his roommate or his roommates friend. Quite sad if you ask me. Its quite ridiculous that someone would do such a thing. I would kick ass if that ever happened to me.

I feel like watching the Chamber of Secrets tonight. I think I might. =]

Monday, August 25, 2008

Children should not drive

I realize that this is probably the 2nd consecutive blog about my little brother but it must be done. See, my 15 year old brother plays WoW for fun. And for fun I mean 10 hours + everyday. Now I know that this is his choice but we all must realize that once someone logs into WoW, a baby dies. Now I didn't know he was this much like my father that he would reply with "Good, it was probably African". I did not expect that. Are all WoW players like this? Do they really enjoy killing babies as much as they do?

This brings me to one of connurs embarrassing moments. Here in Canada, you can get your learners lisence at 14 years of age. Connur got his as soon as he turned 14. At this point in his life, he was still quite short. He still is quite short but not so short anymore. At this point he decides to get into my dads car and decides hes going to start learning how to drive. He keeps telling me that my dad wouldn't let him move the seat up but I do not believe him. So he proceeds to try and back up out of the driveway. He decides to put the car into drive and hits the garage door. My dad is very angry at this point and Connur decides he will never drive a car ever again. Then this goes into my next story about him almost killing me and my friend while trying to drive last monday. That story was in my first blog entry though.

That is enough about Connur and I will try not to talk about him and his WoW addiction again.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've come to realize that the majority of the population on the internetz are n00bs. In one form or another they're there. There are very few people who have intelligence and they're the truly awesome ones.

This brings me to World of Warcraft, or more commonly known as WoW. I don't understand why people sell their souls to this game. They all know that as soon as they create an account they will be addicted. They also know that they're wasting $40 every 2 months to play a game that could be done without. Everyday, millions of people wish Blizzard had never created this monstrosity of a game. It destroys lives and kills babies. Why would you want to play a game that kills babies? My best friend and little brother play this game and they waste countless hours "raiding" or "pvping" or "questing" and I see no point in the matter. My brother even has even tried to get me to start an account. He keeps telling me "I have one free month for you, and I'm going to make you start it". For one, I will not kill a baby. Secondly, I will not sell my soul away to blizzard and WoW.

There are also those kinds of n00bs go into blogtv rooms and say "whos cadegoestocollege" in his own chat. I know they're only probably trolling but it makes for great entertainment. Another great form of entertainment are fanboys/girls that try and talk to you on instant messangers. Those people are just so ridiculous that it makes me happy :).

Also on this list are noobs who try and sneak into movies. Are they just dumb or what? Do they think that you can't see them trying to walk in? I've kicked out too many people just because they're stupid and these same people turn around and think that you're just as stupid as they are. It is also typically the same people that get kicked out all the time. I mean over the time that I've been working at the movie theatre, I can think of 10 occasions where I've kicked out the same people over and over again. It just gets so tedious that sometimes you just want to let it slide.

I cannot think of any other n00bs right now. Comment about the types of n00bs that I missed

Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer time has come and gone..

It is now time to realize that school is comming and that summer is over.

The last great summer film came out last friday(Tropic Thunder) and the last decent one came out toady(Death Race). It makes me sad knowing that another summer has come and gone. Well, actually now that I'm dwelling on it, I told myself that my summer would end as soon as the Dark Knight came out. And it pretty much did. I've been thinking too much about school since July 18th and I actually didn't do searching until today. And I still can't register for my last class until I go down to the college Monday afternoon. I also have to declare my major and minor at the time. It'll be tedious but I have to do it.

This brings me onto my school schedule. I think it will be an easy first term, I have not picked my classes for 2nd term yet and I think I should after I do start this current term. I only have class for one hour on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11am in the morning. This still lets me watch all the new films a day early :D. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have class from 8am to 12:30pm. Its not the best but I like it. Waking up at 6am is going to be hard, since thats is usually when I go to bed but I'll have to get used to it.

I got my Tropic Thunder and Iron Man T-shirts today. But on my way there some stupid lady driver almost hit me. I went into the rigth lane and she decided she'd start turning into this lane right as soon as I got into the lane. So I hammered on my horn and kinda swerved out of the way. I really hate stupid drivers. Ugh

I think thats enough rambling for today. I don't think I'm going to mention school again until I actually go back next Wednesday :'(

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Senior Classes

Looking at my degree template last night at 4:30 am got me thinking. I just noticed that I can no longer take any junior(100-199lv) courses. Which pretty much sucks. It leaves me limited with what I can take as my last "option" class. Which is pretty crappy.

I don't know what it is, but I just can't seem to stop playing guitar hero. I don't know what it is but it just keeps drawing me in and instead of actually thinking about school or trying to pick my last class, I just turn on my Wii and starting playing guitar hero. Someone needs to take my guitar away from me or else I'm never going to pick this last class.

I leave for work in about half an hour and its pretty much my last day of work before summer is over. I work again once more next thursday, then I go back to my school work availability(thursdays fridays and saturdays). Speaking of work, I get to watch death race tonight, which is exciting, I hope it doesn't suck.

I think I've rambled on enough for today about random crap. Oh, my sunburn is starting to itch, which is the worst part of the whole burning process :( :( :(

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just can't stop....

I seem to always find something else to do instead of picking my final class for college this up comming semester.

I wanted to pick up this final class at the beginning of August. That didn't happen. I then chose the middle of August as the target date for trying to pick it. It is now August 20th and I'm stuck writing this blog now because I just don't want to pick it.

I sat down at 3pm to try and look at the class book today. But then I found out my good friend got fired today so we talked for an hour about that. Then I picked her up from 7-11, while letting Connor drive my car for the first time(he almost backed it into a parked car so that will never happen again). Then I found out someone had stolen some candy and put it inside my brothers locker(they shared the same locker). We then proceeded to go to Cineplex(name of theatre chain) and stayed there for about 2 hours trying to find the candy that was hidden inbetween some lockers.

Then I proceeded to come home and eat pizza, watch davey make a fool of himself on blogtv drunk(with garnet). Then comes the fun part. I started playing guitar hero. Woott gooo me XD.

I started expert and only failed one of the 6 songs I played(I only failed once and managed to 5 star 2 others). And now I'm making this blog to continue procrastinating. Just wonderful.

Oh and it does suck that colbert and stewart are on vacation for a week. I could use some laugher